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Should Interior Designers Learn AutoCAD?

By Michelle Ecker on August 15, 2018

Should Interior Designers Learn AutoCAD?

The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online AutoCAD classes and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring planners. Enjoy!

Throughout the past decade, AutoCAD has been expanding the means through which interior designers can contribute to comprehensive structural planning in a number of exciting ways. Developed and sold by Autodesk, this computer-aided drawing and drafting tool is now used by millions of people worldwide. If you’re interested in learning how an understanding of this device could bolster your professional portfolio, consider the following:

1. Efficiency- It comes as no surprise that technology has seemingly infiltrated every aspect of professional life in modern society. Computers can indisputably complete certain tasks with more speed and accuracy than human hands ever could, and it’s important to recognize and embrace this revolution. In respect to interior design, AutoCAD is capable of reducing production time dramatically as compared to traditional sketching methods. Many elements of drawn floorplan drafts are repetitive. Using AutoCAD gives designers copy/pasting capabilities, radically saving time otherwise spent redrawing certain elements over and over by hand.

2. Technology- AutoCAD is currently being used by nearly 90% of all design-oriented businesses and schools. Anymore, an understanding of this tool isn’t just an asset- it’s an expectation. When trying to maintain leverage within a competitive job market, it’s important to continuously develop and retain skills in correspondence with any technological developments taking place within your given industry.

Take an AutoDesk-approved online AutoCAD course

3. Collaboration- Commonly used across the board of structural development by civil engineers, electricians, etc., an understanding of the AutoCAD tool allows the interior designer to participate in the planning process in a much more collaborative way. For example, if a large company is in the process of building a new office space or remodeling a current one, it would be more practical of them to hire an AutoCAD proficient designer who would therefore be capable of using a tool that could be understood by all other contributors to the project.

4. Competition- Considering the importance of resume building, an understanding of the AutoCAD tool offers designers many opportunities for portfolio growth. CAD portfolios are now commonly being shared with potential employers at design firms as part of a routine interview process. In any professional situation, growing your overall skillset and demonstrating a more comprehensive understanding of design is the most reliable way to make a good impression as flexible, capable employee.