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Lake Art

By Michelle Ecker on November 24, 2015

From end tables to throw pillows to paint samples and more, tune in to the design blog every Tuesday afternoon to check out our choice for NYIAD’s featured look of the week.

This week’s favorite comes to us from The Grommet.

Lake Art

When redesigning an interior space, it’s nice to reveal the character of your client. An easy way to accomplish this is to incorporate some decor elements suggestive of their unique interests and hobbies. So if you’re styling the apartment of an inner-city girl who grew up on a farm, for example, adding some rustic furnishings is a simple way to make her feel more fundamentally at home and to give her guests a better idea of who she is.

When initially meeting with a client and helping them envision the design potential of their space, try to get to know them better. Ask them about their careers, their hobbies, their family members or their routines. If something stands out in the conversation as a potential point of design inspiration, find a way to weave that aspect of their lives into your imagined style.

This week’s #LOTWDesign exemplifies this sentimental nostalgia via The Grommet’s Lake Art Trays. Made of natural cherry and birch wood with glass, over 4,000 lake renderings are available for clients to choose one that may have been the setting of their fond memories.

Lake Art
Lake Art

If you’re really looking to impress your customers via thoughtful, personalized style, this is a great way to make sure the room is particular to them. So if ever a client mentions a unique place in the world their family considers especially meaningful, try invoking memories of times spent there. And remember, you can do so more stylistically through your décor choices, not just by framing old vacation photos.

Got an eye for great style trends we should consider for next week? Share your favorites with us on Twitter and Instagram using hashtag #LOTWDesign.

Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design’s interior design course can help you reach your goals. Request your free course catalog today!